A message from our Managing Partner
Stéphane Bacquaert, IC member and managing partner in charge of ESGI
“Adenia’s longstanding ethos of investing responsibly in, and for, a sustainable Africa is foundational. For more than two decades, our differentiated approach as a value-based control investor with a singular focus on Africa, our embrace of principles for responsible investment and adoption of global frameworks and measurement standards for ESGI, have been at the core of Adenia’s development and growth.”
A message from our Head of sustainability and impact
Mokgadi Maunatlala, head of sustainability and impact
“Our commitment to being a change agent within our businesses, in support of a sustainable Africa, means we accept our responsibility to lead in ESGI. We have proven our ability to build responsible and sustainable businesses that improve industry value chains and socioeconomic ecosystems. Our ESGI interventions continue to support sustainable shared value creation and betterment of our economies and societies, alongside meaningful climate action and environmental protection.”
Making African businesses stronger and more sustainable through profitable and ethical investment
At Adenia, we are committed to promoting a sustainable future through our ESG priorities.
Our focus areas include:
  • Job Quality and Diversity
  • Sustainability of Operations
  • Financial Performance of Funds
Job Quality and Diversity
At Adenia, we prioritise promoting gender equality and supporting women’s access to quality work within our portfolio companies. We track metrics related to the representation of women in leadership positions and the overall workforce to ensure that we are making progress in this area.
How we assess impact
UN SDGs and IRIS+ specific impact
Theory of Change
Clear target for Job Quality & Diversity and Sustainability of Operations
Specific SDG targets set on a case-by-case basis
• A decent living wage.
• Gender equality.
• Employee benefits.
• Career-building opportunities.
• A fair and engaging workplace.
• Employee Net Promoter Score.
• Employee incidents.
• Employee disputes.
• Contributing to an additional SDG/impact area.
• Building impact into the business.
• Developing and/or amplifying impact that is core to business strategy and/or operations.
Sustainability of Operations
At Adenia, we prioritise the sustainability of our operations. We strongly advocate for the implementation of best practices and standards to guarantee that operations are in line with environmental and social considerations. To evaluate the sustainability of operations, we use the following criteria:
How we assess impact
UN SDGs and IRIS+ specific impact
Theory of Change
Clear target for Job Quality & Diversity and Sustainability of Operations
Specific SDG targets set on a case-by-case basis
• International certifications.
• Quality of infrastructure.
• Resource efficiency programming.
• Water-saving.
• Energy-saving.
• Waste management.
• Carbon emissions.
• Contraventions.
• Contributing to an additional SDG/impact area.
• Building impact into the business.
• Developing and/or amplifying impact that is core to business strategy and/or operations.
Financial Performance of Funds
In our operations and our approach to investing, we commit to driving sustainable business transformations with the dual aims of maximising financial returns and ensuring positive contributions to the SDGs. Ultimately, our approach to investment is guided by the strong sense of purpose embedded in our value statement, namely to profitably and ethically invest in African businesses, making them stronger and more sustainable, ultimately contributing to the wellbeing of Africa and its people.
Our approach
Our ESGI strategy is defined by our clear intent and commitment to promoting positive change. We communicate this intent through stringent policies and guidelines that shape the actions of the firm and our portfolio companies by setting goals, delineating the frameworks to which we expect alignment, and defining the conditions for good decision-making. These policies and guidelines are in turn used to determine our evaluations of our progress and that of our portfolio companies, as well as action plans that are designed to effect targeted change.
Performance at a glance
  • Gender Equality
  • Climate Action
  • Sustainability of Operations And Job Quality & Diversity
  • Financial Performance

Adenia’s gender performance and target

At 31 December 2023

Became one of the few Africa-focused
fund manager to be awarded




Flagship Fund Status



of Adenia team members are women


Target: 40% by 2027



Are aligned with at least one 2X Challenge criterion



Climate performance at Adenia Level

At 31 December 2023

Published our
inaugural climate action report


Conducted baseline assessments
for Adenia and all AC(IV) companies


Joined Initiative Climat Internațional

2023 Toal GHG emissions




331 655 kgCo2e

2022 baseline: 387 657 kgCO2e

All nine of our portfolio companies have begun conducting carbon footprint assessments and developing climate action plans, with 5 meeting a portion of their energy needs through renewable power sources.



Sustainability of Operations at Fund Level

At 31 December 2023



11 500


jobs sustained across the continent,
and 1 144 net jobs created over 2023.





capex spend over 2023



All 9


portfolio companies have adopted
GHG protocols, 56% have relevant
international standards certifications
and have implemented energy savings plans.



Financial performance at Fund Level

At 31 December 2023



Revenue generated





EBITDA generated



Case studies
Overseas Catering Services
In 2021, Overseas Catering Services (OCS) embarked on a transformative journey towards achieving the esteemed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) label accreditation from Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM) for Ansamble Maroc – demonstrating our profound commitment to embedding sustainability and social responsibility into the very fabric of our operations.
Herholdt’s Group
Herholdt’s Group began our journey with Adenia in 2021 as a profitable family-owned business comprising three branches across three provinces in South Africa with 164 employees. While a successful business at the time, our business management system was limited, as were our ESG and supply chain structures.
Our position statement on climate change
Despite Africa’s minimal contribution to global GHG emissions, the continent remains significantly vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. With much of its ecosystem threatened, the continent faces increasingly severe socioeconomic, health, and environmental consequences. In line with our longstanding view that private capital must play its part in supporting climate resilience across the continent, Adenia has refined our approach to climate action over 2023.
2023 highlights
  • Published our inaugural climate action report.
  • Conducted baseline assessments for Adenia and all AC(IV) companies.
  • Disclosed AC(IV) financed emissions for the first time (PCAF-aligned).
  • Secured limited assurance for Adenia’s Scope 1, 2 and 3 baseline and 2023 emissions.
  • Conducted climate-related training for representatives from Adenia and our portfolio companies.
  • Joined Initiative Climat International.